Year Of Surgeries!
This year, for my family, I can term it as Year Of Surgeries!! The reason being this year saw 4 surgeries till date in my family including myself. I just hope and wish that there will be no more surgeries for anybody in the future!
Starting from February this year where I was operated for Retinal Detachment (RD) surgery (a major one), my father got operated for the prostrate removal (major again) in April, followed by my mother on the table for a benign Lipoma (fat deposit) removal just a fortnight back and the 4th one and the latest being mine (yes, again!), a 1.5hours left eye surgery to remove the Silicone Oil plus the correction for Cataract using 'Phaco Emulsification' technique...just yesterday morning!!
Fortunately my parents and myself are doing fine post-surgery (I am on a week's leave right now) but I believe this is too much for a family in just 9 months!! But if I think bit deeper, as per my principle, "whatever happens, it happens for good", all these are happening for a good tomorrow and not for a bad suffering tomorrow...right? :-) Another complimentary thing is that I have effectively and genuinely utilized the Medical Insurance amount (I paid INR 7500 per parent this year!) for my parents surgery and for mine too! Thanks a ton for this insurance which saved me nearly INR 1 Lac!! But nothing is precious than the health and I would mind spending more for the well-being :-)
No doubt, "Year Of Surgeries" is an apt title for my family this year :O)
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