Flying to China... 3 years back!

It was a wonderful and anxious day for me, June 7th 2002.. It was the D-Day for me as i was scheduled to fly outside of my motherland, flying International for the very first time !!! [have flied domestic many times, courtesy - my dad! :)]
The destination was ShenZhen city in China, on a project deputation (from my ex-employer) for almost 6 months! It was great day and the flight was scheduled to leave @ 0050hrs IST to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia and then from there, it was to Hong Kong! From HK, we had to take a bus (around 65kms), ride to the destination city... ShenZhen is the first entry point to Mainland China, from Hong Kong side. We (me and 2 of my friends) were flying Malaysian Airlines thru out our journey.
It was an absolutely wonderful trip...the airports of KL and HK were just breath-takers!! These airports are amazing and i bet u, u cant simply take ur eyes off them!! :)
Cut to 2005, June 7th: Today, its been 3 years since i flew outside...I came back to India on Nov 20th 2002 [after 5.5 months stint in China, successfully!]...
I had/have been bit nostalgic on this issue! u see, i always wanna fly, always wanna be man-on-the-move, had dreams of seeing myself as Pilot...but vidhi-vashaat, due to my 'one eye view of this world'... i withdrew myself from this... and now, am sitting in front of this comp and typing these....:(
Anyway, am still looking fwd for my 2nd Intl visit (scheduled to Europe...but plz dont ask when!!)
Hope this happens soon and be 'the man-on-the-move'! :)


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